Current trends and problems in the development of acquiring in the banking system of the Russian Federation

  • Levkina E.V.

    E. V. Levkina Far Eastern Federal University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Титова Наталья Юрьевна

    N. Yu. Titova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


Bank cards are now a necessary element of economic relations, as they are one of the main components of the system to support business development, as well as simplifying people's lives and saving their time. Over time, there appeared such a concept as acquiring, which is a
payment system for payment for goods and services without cashing funds through an ATM. Equipping can certainly be called a revolution in the economic sector. In this regard, the study of modern trends and prospects of acquiring development in the Russian banking system is of
special interest, which determines the relevance of this topic.  The purpose of the scientific research is to analyze the current state, problems and development trends of bank cards acquiring in the credit services market in Russia. The object of the research is the sphere of cashless settlements. The subject of the research is the organizational and economic relations arising in the process of acquiring operations. Methodology.  The  questions  of  peculiarities  of  payment  cards  circulation  and  research  of problems of credit organizations circulation sphere are involved in works of many scientists: V. V. Andrianov, S. V. Krivoruchko, E. V. Konvisarova, A. I. Zlizlina, S. V. Pozdnyakova, D. V. Neha-
ichuk, E. A. Rozhnova, N. N. Kazanskaya, T. E. Danilovskikh, S. V. Krivoshapova.  The methods of investigation are dialectical methods of cognition, dynamic series analysis, logical analysis methods. On the basis of studying the essence of acquiring, the main types and advantages of acquiring services are identified. The analysis of modern tendencies of acquiring market development shows positive dynamics of bank cards issue and introduction of POS-terminals into the payment system, which shows the demand for digital technologies in the banking sphere and necessity of their distribution. The novelty of the conducted research should include conclusions about modern problems restraining the development of bank cards market in the modern payment system and certain prospects of acquiring services market development.
Keywords:  acquiring,  payment  system,  bank  cards,  transactions,  acceptor,  cashless  payments, payment terminals, credit institution.